Back in July 2013 my buddy Jeremy sent me an email asking if I’d like to shoot his April 2014 wedding. To a daily newspaper photographer, that’s forever way. Heck, that’s an entire college football AND basketball season. But I didn’t hesitate to say yes. Here’s my thought process… The Parker Family, in New Orleans, on Good Friday weekend, that’s a no brainer.
What an amazing weekend of wedding events. And the Parkers didn’t disappoint. The photos pretty much shot themselves. The weekend was filled with plenty of great moments. Spanish Moss beards, 504 Dancing Man, wet willies, A story about the mating habits of flamingos… yep, this wedding had it all. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard while editing photos. And if the photographer has such great memories, I can’t imagine how many fun memories Jeremy and Emily must have of their wedding day.
Thanks again guys for allowing me to document your weekend. It was awesome to see old friends and make new ones.
This entry was posted on Thursday, May 29th, 2014 at 4:22 pm
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Tags: new orleans, wedding, weddings
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