Umbrella + Background

Umbrella + Background

Umbrella + Background

It’s pretty standard for a newspaper photog to get called to go make a weather photo. This morning I got the text from my boss saying that we needed some rainy day photos.

Finding rainy day photos in a town with a college campus is like shooting fish in a barrel. It’s a simple formula…

Keep your camera dry + find an interesting area or background + wait for someone with an umbrella to walk by = rainy day feature photo. The hard part is making an image that’s unique or different.

I didn’t really get anything earth shattering, but I got nice soaked while walking around downtown and campus today, so you better believe that I’m going to show off what I shot.

(Note to self: Next time I shoot in the rain, put on my rain pants BEFORE my regular pants get wet)

rain1 rain3 rain2 rain6 rain4 rain5



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