I’m back in Texas for the second weekend in a row. This time to shoot Florida’s Sweet 16 game against everyone’s favorite team left in the tournament, Florida Gulf Coast. When I walked into Cowboys Stadium, I saw the screen and thought “Uh, that’s not so big. I don’t see what all the hype’s about.” Then I took a few steps forward and the actual big screen came into view. Holy Smokes that thing is huge.
Florida had a quick practice so there wasn’t much to shoot except players, the band and a few fans and cheerleaders breaking their necks looking up at the huge screen. Oh, and the catcher for the Texas Rangers hanging out with the UF A.D. (I did get lucky and randomly pick the gate entrance with Emmitt Smith photos. Florida fans will like that.)
I forgot that KU also played here this weekend so I was a little caught off guard when I walked in and was surrounded by Jayhawk shirts. Kind of neat though. We’re all from Kansas so it’s cool. I did give a high-five to the one girl wearing a KSU shirt.
This entry was posted on Thursday, March 28th, 2013 at 10:17 pm
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Tags: basketball, dallas, gators, NCAA, photojournalism, sports
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